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Maximizing the Internet’s Potential for Dental Students and Professionals

After a long day at work or in class it’s nice to just kick back and browse the web. For a dental student or professional, there are hundreds of places where like-minded individuals can get together to share ideas and hold discussions. So how do you decide where to go to discuss dentistry? Here are five essential things to look out for when deciding on the best forum or dentistry related website to hang out online.

Check out the Front Page

Begin by examining the front page to determine whether it functions as a forum, online page, or group. On a well-established and current website, recent posts will typically appear at the top. Take note of the posting frequency. A vibrant community will have regular updates. If posts are spaced five weeks apart or more, consider exploring other options.

Don’t Rely on the Popularity of the Parent Website

While platforms like Facebook are widely used, popularity doesn’t guarantee the ideal online group for your needs. Even highly popular dental groups may not boast a large number of interactions. Consequently, fewer active discussions may occur. Similarly, Reddit’s general dentistry section may have a limited membership.

See what the “Stickied” Posts are

Some of the most popular posts or active threads on a forum take permanent pride of place in the top slot on the page and are referred to as ‘’sticky threads’’. The best online communities have sticky threads which are useful for the readers. So check dental forums for the quality of their sticky threads and see if any relate specifically  to your interest in the dentistry field.

Are You Enjoying this Conversation?

Assess the quality of the threads carefully. Sometimes many are just people asking boring questions. However, if there are  questions, that you have opportunity to answer, then dive in and reply to them. However, steer clear of answering too many personal questions or joining in discussions about which you feel uncomfortable discussions. In other words, stick to casual conversations which give you peace of mind and enjoyment.

Agree to Disagree

On any online community, people agree or disagree. Disagreement need not be an issue if people are careful about handling the debate. Avoid places where everybody starts lashing out at the original post without offering constructive criticism. Sometimes people get too excited about their argument and their desire to solve the problem posed. This can be a red flag, especially if they use abusive language.

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